Migrating keys from ProtectServer 2 HSMs to ProtectServer 3 HSMs
This section describes how to migrate keys from ProtectServer 2 HSMs to ProtectServer 3 HSMs.
You can migrate keys by backing up ProtectServer 2 HSM tokens to a file or smart card and then restoring them on ProtectServer 3 HSMs, or by replicating the ProtectServer 2 HSM tokens onto the ProtectServer 3 HSMs. Backup and restore procedures should be followed if none of the keys that must be migrated have their CKA_EXPORTABLE
attributes set to FALSE
, while token replication should be used when some of the keys that must be migrated have their CKA_EXPORTABLE
attributes set to FALSE
For detailed procedures, refer to the following subsections:
Migrating keys using backup and restore
This subsection describes how to migrate keys from ProtectServer 2 HSMs to ProtectServer 3 HSMs using backup and restore. There are four recommended backup and restore methods. First, refer to the Prerequisites that apply to all of the procedures and then refer to one of the four following procedures:
Smart card migration procedures can be performed with any smart card that is supplied by Thales with a ProtectServer Internal Express/ProtectServer External HSM or ProtectServer Internal Express 2/ProtectServer External 2/ProtectServer External 2+ HSM.
Before you begin any of the following procedures, you must satisfy the prerequisites described below. Additional procedure-dependent prerequisites, where applicable, are described before each procedure.
Consider your existing ProtectToolkit 5 client configuration and how you want to transition to ProtectToolkit 7. Thales recommends migrating by using two separate client machines, so that you can ensure that the migration procedure is complete before transitioning your applications to the new client and HSM:
ProtectToolkit 5 client connected to connected to the ProtectServer 2 HSMs.
ProtectToolkit 7 client connected to connected to the ProtectServer 3 HSM}s.
You cannot use ProtectToolkit 5 with ProtectServer 3 HSMs. Thales recommends that you complete the backup portion of the migration procedure first with ProtectToolkit 5, upgrade your client software to ProtectToolkit 7 and provision your ProtectServer 3 HSM (or alternatively use a version of ProtectToolkit 7 that you have installed on another system), and finally perform the restore portion of the migration procedure.
Ensure that you have initialized the ProtectServer 3 Admin token and one or more User tokens to accept the migrated keys (For more information about token initialization, see Initial configuration).
The following migration scenarios use the key export function, and require all keys being migrated to have the attribute CKA_EXPORTABLE=TRUE. If any of your keys are not exportable, you must first change the attribute using ctkmu m. For more information, refer to ctkmu.
If a key has the attributes CKA_EXPORTABLE=FALSE and CKA_MODIFIABLE=FALSE, it cannot be migrated using this procedure. Refer to Migrating keys using token replication instead.
If a key has the attributes CKA_EXPORTABLE=TRUE and CKA_EXTRACTABLE=FALSE, you must log on as Security Officer (SO) to perform the migration operation.
Backup to file and restore
In this procedure, you will back up a ProtectServer 2 HSM token to an encrypted file on your ProtectToolkit client machine, and restore it to your new ProtectServer 3 token.
To migrate keys by backing up to a file and restoring to the new HSM
Using the ProtectToolkit 5 client, create a wrapping key on the source token by entering key components. You can assign whatever key attributes you prefer, but sign, verify, wrap, and unwrap are all required (-k SVWU).
ctkmu c -t<keytype> -n<wrapping_keyname> -a<attributes> -k<#_of_components> -z<keysize>
Export all objects stored on the token to an encrypted file on the ProtectToolkit 5 client, using the new wrapping key.
If you are migrating DH_PARAM or DSA_PARAM objects, include the -4 option when exporting the stored objects.
ctkmu x -s<slotnum> -w<wrapping_keyname> <backup_filename> [-4]
Securely transfer the wrapped file to the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine.
Using the ProtectToolkit 7 client, recreate the wrapping key on the destination token by entering the same key components.
ctkmu c -t<keytype> -n<wrapping_keyname> -a <attributes> -k<#_of_components> -z<keysize> [-4]
Import the wrapped file to the ProtectToolkit 7 token using the new wrapping key.
ctkmu i -s<slotnum> -w<wrapping_keyname> <backup_filename>
Backup to single-custodian smart card and restore
In this procedure, you will back up a ProtectServer 2 HSM token to a smart card and restore it to your new ProtectServer 3 token. The single-custodian scheme requires you to create and specify a wrapping key to encrypt the cryptographic objects.
Ensure that both the source and destination HSMs have a smart card reader installed.
Ensure that you have enough blank smart cards available to store all objects on the token.
To migrate keys by backing up to a single-custodian smart card
Using the ProtectToolkit 5 client, create a wrapping key on the source token by entering key components. You can assign whatever key attributes you prefer, but sign, verify, wrap, and unwrap are all required (-k SVWU).
ctkmu c -t<keytype> -n<wrapping_keyname> -a<attributes> -k<#_of_components> -z<keysize>
Insert a blank smart card into the ProtectServer 2 HSM reader, and export all objects stored on the token to the smart card, using the new wrapping key.
If you are migrating DH_PARAM or DSA_PARAM objects, include the -4 option when exporting the stored objects.
ctkmu x -s<slotnum> -w<wrapping_keyname> -c<SC_reader_slotnum> [-4]
Using the ProtectToolkit 7 client, recreate the wrapping key on the destination token by entering the same key components.
ctkmu c -t<keytype> -n<wrapping_keyname> -a<attributes> -k<#_of_components> -z<keysize>
Restore the contents of the smart card(s) to the destination ProtectServer 3 token by specifying the unwrapping key.
ctkmu i -s<slotnum> -w<wrapping_keyname> -c<SC_reader_slotnum>
Backup to multiple-custodian smart cards and restore
In this procedure, you will back up a ProtectServer 2 HSM token to smart cards held by multiple custodians in a standard key-splitting scheme, and restore it to your new ProtectServer 3 token.
Ensure that both the source and destination HSMs have a smart card reader installed.
Ensure that you have enough blank smart cards available to store all objects on the token.
You require a minimum of two custodians to use the standard key-splitting scheme.
You must set the Weak Mechanisms flag to ON to use this backup method (For more information about this security flag, see Security Flags).
To migrate keys by backing up to multiple-custodian smart cards
Insert a blank smart card into the ProtectServer 2 HSM reader, and use the ProtectToolkit 5 client to export splits of all objects stored on the source token to the smart card.
If you are migrating DH_PARAM or DSA_PARAM objects, include the -4 option when exporting the stored objects.
Follow the prompts to complete the backup using the multiple-custodian scheme.
Use the ProtectToolkit 7 client to restore the contents of the smart cards to the destination ProtectServer 3 token.
Backup to N of M custodian smart cards and restore
In this procedure, you will back up a ProtectServer 2 HSM token to smart cards held by multiple custodians in an N of M key-splitting scheme, and restore it to your new ProtectServer 3 token.
Ensure that both the source and destination HSMs have a smart card reader installed.
Ensure that you have enough blank smart cards available to store all objects on the token.
You require a minimum of three custodians to use the N of M key-splitting scheme, with a minimum of two required to restore keys to the destination token.
To migrate keys by backing up to multiple-custodian smart cards in an N of M scheme
Insert a blank smart card into the ProtectServer 2 HSM reader, and use the ProtectToolkit 5 client to export splits of all objects stored on the source token to the smart card, specifying the N of M scheme.
If you are migrating DH_PARAM or DSA_PARAM objects, include the -4 option when exporting the stored objects.
Follow the prompts to complete the backup using the N of M multiple-custodian scheme. N cannot be equal to M.
Use the ProtectToolkit 7 client to restore the contents of the smart cards to the destination ProtectServer 3 token by presenting cards from the minimum (N) number of custodians.
Migrating keys using token replication
This subsection describes how to migrate keys from a ProtectServer 2 HSM to a ProtectServer 3 HSM by using token replication. First, refer to the Prerequisites and then refer to the following procedures in order:
Before you migrate keys using token replication, you must satisfy the prerequisites described below.
Set up, initialize, provision, and prepare at least one ProtectServer 3 HSM for deployment. Refer to ProtectServer 3 HSM and ProtectToolkit 7 installation and configuration for more information.
The User and SO PINs of the destination slot on the ProtectServer 3 HSM must match the User and SO PINs of the source slot on the ProtectServer 2 HSM that will be replicated.
Update the firmware of the ProtectServer 3 HSM to ProtectServer 3 HSM Firmware 7.02.03 or newer. If there are multiple ProtectServer 3 HSMs, update the firmware of all the devices to ProtectServer 3 HSM Firmware 7.02.03 or newer. Refer to Updating the HSM firmware or boot loader for more information.
ProtectServer 3 HSM Firmware 7.03.00 does not support key migration using token replication.
Download and install ProtectToolkit ProtectToolkit 7.2.3 or newer on another client machine to operate the ProtectServer 3 HSM. Refer to ProtectToolkit 7 software installation for more information.
Thales recommends running ProtectToolkit 7 and ProtectToolkit 5 on separate client machines.
ProtectToolkit 7.2.3 includes ptk7tokmigration, which is a utility that is required to complete the procedures described below.
Copy the ptk7tokmigration binary from the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine to the ProtectToolkit 5 client machine. The ptk7tokmigration binary is located alongside other ProtectToolkit CLU binaries in the ProtectToolkit-C Runtime installation directory.
Ensure that the HSM real-time clocks (RTCs) are synchronized with the host system clocks. Refer to Adjusting the HSM clock and ProtectServer 2 HSM and ProtectToolkit 5 for information about synchronizing the RTCs of ProtectServer 3 HSMs and ProtectServer 2 HSMs, respectively.
Ensure that the ProtectServer 2 HSM has an HSM ID public key. If there are multiple ProtectServer 2 HSMs, ensure that they all have HSM ID public keys. Refer to ctident for information about generating HSM ID keys for a ProtectServer 2 HSM.
1. Establish mutual trust between the ProtectServer 2 HSM and ProtectServer 3 HSM
This procedure assumes that tokens on one ProtectServer 2 HSM are being replicated to one ProtectServer 3 HSM. Refer to <targets> and <peers> for information about the values that should be used for these ptk7tokmigration command arguments in migration scenarios that involve multiple ProtectServer 2 HSMs or multiple ProtectServer 3 HSMs.
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, generate an HSM ID public key for the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration gen <targets>
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, copy the newly generated HSM ID public key to a public key file.
ptk7tokmigration getid <targets> -p<pubkey>
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, securely copy the newly created public key file from the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine to the ProtectToolkit 5 client machine.
scp <ptk7/pem/file/path> <ptk5/pem/file/path>
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, instruct the ProtectServer 2 HSM to trust the HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration trust <targets> <peers> -p<pubkey>
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, verify that HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 3 HSM is recognized by the ProtectServer 2 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration list <targets> -tpeer
The preceding command outputs the HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 3 HSM. Multiple keys are listed if the public key file contains the public keys of multiple ProtectServer 3 HSMs.
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, copy the HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 2 HSM to a public key file.
ptk7tokmigration getid <targets> -p<pubkey>
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, securely copy the newly created public key file from the ProtectToolkit 5 client machine to the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine.
scp <ptk5/pem/file/path> <ptk7/pem/file/path>
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, instruct the ProtectServer 3 HSM to trust the the HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 2 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration trust <targets> <peers> -p<pubkey>
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, verify that HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 2 HSM is recognized by the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration list <targets> -tpeer
The preceding command outputs the HSM ID public key of the ProtectServer 2 HSM. Multiple keys are listed if the public key file contains the public keys of multiple ProtectServer 2 HSMs.
Mutual trust has been established between the ProtectServer 2 HSM and ProtectServer 3 HSM. After establishing mutual trust, proceed to 2. Replicate the token from the source slot on ProtectServer 2 HSM to the destination slot on the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
2. Replicate the token from the source slot on the ProtectServer 2 HSM to the destination slot on the ProtectServer 3 HSM
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, create a token image file for the token that must be replicated.
ctkmu xt -s<slot> -S<ps3_serial> <token_image_filename>
Refer to ctkmu for information about creating a token image file from a ProtectServer 2 HSM token.
The serial number of the ProtectServer 3 HSM that will import the token image is specified when creating the token image file.
If you are replicating multiple tokens, create a token image file for each source slot.
If you are replicating a single token to multiple destination slots, which exist across multiple ProtectServer 3 HSMs, create a token image file for each ProtectServer 3 HSM.
On the ProtectToolkit 5 client, securely copy the newly created token image file from the ProtectToolkit 5 client machine to the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine.
scp <ptk5/token_image/file/path> <ptk7/token_image/file/path>
If you have created multiple token image files, copy every token image file from the ProtectToolkit 5 client machine to the ProtectToolkit 7 client machine.
On the ProtectToolkit 7 client, import the copied token image file onto the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
ptk7tokmigration it -s<slot> <token_image/file/path>
If you are replicating multiple tokens to one ProtectServer 3 HSM, import each token image file onto the ProtectServer 3 HSM.
If you are replicating a single token to multiple destination slots, which exist across multiple ProtectServer 3 HSMs, import each token image file onto the ProtectServer 3 HSM that has a serial number that matches the serial number specified when the token image file was created in step 1.
Import will fail if the serial number of the ProtectServer 3 HSM that is importing the token does not match the serial number that was specified when the token image file was created in step 1.
Verify that you successfully replicated the token by running the following command on the ProtectToolkit 7 client, to display the contents of the destination slot, and ProtectToolkit 5 client, to display the contents of the source slot:
The contents of the destination slot on the ProtectServer 3 HSM should match the contents of the source slot on the ProtectServer 2 HSM.
If the contents of the slots match, you have successfully migrated keys from a ProtectServer 2 HSM to a ProtectServer 3 HSM using token replication.